BYN Circulating Supply Update

NBX (prev. Beyondfi)
1 min readAug 15, 2021

Upon a successful launch of our mainnet, we have started preparations for the next phase release, but would like to take a moment to quickly update the circulating supply.

We have unlocked BYN tokens from the Liquidity & Staking Rewards Allocation (50% of total Supply) for Staking Rewards and to ensure liquidity as our mainnet is active. Please refer to our tokenomics for supply breakdown. This currently brings our circulating supply to 8,731,260.57 BYN. The circulating supply can always be checked via CoinMarketCap

[BYN circulating supply]

Total Supply: 100,000,000 BYN

Current Circulating Supply: 8,731,260.57 BYN


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Beyond is a decentralized synthetic product trading platform where users can create and trade synthetic financial products, unlocking the full potential of decentralized finance and derivatives without limits. With prominent key partners including Huobi Ventures, Spark Digital Capital, and OKex Block Dream Fund, Beyond Finance allows users to trade decentralized products without any restrictions, allowing individuals to reach their fullest to fully realize the value of Decentralized Finance.

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